Monday, February 22, 2010

Happy Dirty Thirty Linds!

Finally, Jeff and I were able to get a night out! It seems that we have been so busy, since, well forever! It was Lindsay's Dirty Thirty birthday and Bryan...attempted to surprise her with a getaway weekend. You'll notice I said, attempted, because she found out about the weekend by a text someone sent her at the beginning of the week, asking if "she was going to Lindsay's surprise party this weekend" HA! Guess it helps when you read the last name of your Lindsay's ;) She was nice about it and wouldn't tell who spilled the beans, especially because Bryan was going to "punch them in the face"! But we all had a great time, some more than others, and they paid for it later. We went to the Cliffs for dinner and drinks/dancing and had a great time!

Not only was this our first night out in a long time, but it was Aiden's first overnight at Nona's house. I think she was more worried about it than anyone, as she has not had a baby all night in a long time...You'll do fine, I told her, and they did. Aiden slept thru the night, not surprising he has for 10 months now, but Nona was sure surprised. She "never had a kid as good as him". Thanks mom for that, and thanks for the night out!

Bret was AMAZING!

The Haley Family...Happy Birthday Linds and Bryan!

The birthday girl getting down!

Me and the Birthday girl!

Jeff and I, yes, he's a little "wide-eyed"

Friday, February 5, 2010

Snow Days

A few weeks ago after all the rain and cold, we finally got some snow on Fig! Snow happens every year, I think, but not as much as this. We woke up and decided to head up...we weren't alone. I think everyone in the Valley had the same idea, which was great. We saw old and new friends. Being that we live here, and never get snow; Aiden didn't have any snow clothes, but we improvised. He loved it! He would eat it, dont' worry there wasn't any yellow snow. He even had a snowball fight with dad!

Family Day in the snow