Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Two pink lines...or are they blue?

Yup, come August 4th (or so) Aiden will be a BIG Brother! We are so excited and Aiden has NO idea what's about to change in his perfect little world. HA! Although, he's small enough where he wont even remember being an only child ;) They will be approx. 22 months apart.

We can't say we were surprised to find out we were pregnant, but we were surprised at how fast we were pregnant! WOW! We had thought about it, and said okay in a month or two but little did we know I already was pg!

I found out the Tuesday before Thanksgiving and told Jeff that night, well Aiden told Jeff that night. I had felt a little sore that morning and had one old random test so I took it, got in the shower, finished my morning routine and got in the car. I had totally forgot to look at the test because I KNEW I was lame to even take it, as there was NO WAY I was pg, but I didn't want Jeff coming home to a pg test, so I got back out of the car and ran into the bathroom. WHAT? Really? It was positive! I figured the test was old or something and went to work. I couldn't stop thinking about it so I ran to Rite-Aid and bought a few more. Took some at work and they were postive too! This could not be, but it was and I've been sick everyday to prove it! ;)

Yes, I am one of the lucky ones who is sick just about everyday, not just for 12 weeks but for 8-9 months! I have good days and bad, and this time they have mostly been bad. Jeff says they are the same as with Aiden, and I just chose not to remember but I don't know. Thanks to my only other sick friend, Brooke, I am taking some meds that work for the most part, but don't solve the problem. It's a daily ritual I have come to expect, as unfortunate as that is. But no matter what it's all worth it in the end!

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